For now, specifying arraySize
along with isUnique
in generators that support it will result in unique values being generated (not unique arrays), which will then be packed into arrays.
Generates the same given value each time the generator is called.
param default type defaultValue
— any
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
posts : {
columns : {
content : funcs .default ({
// value you want to generate
defaultValue : "post content" ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates values from given array
param default type values
— any[]
| { weight: number; values: any[] }[]
database column uniqueness boolean
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
posts : {
columns : {
title : funcs .valuesFromArray ({
// Array of values you want to generate (can be an array of weighted values)
values : [ "Title1" , "Title2" , "Title3" , "Title4" , "Title5" ] ,
// Property that controls whether the generated values will be unique or not
isUnique : true ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates sequential integers starting from 1.
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
posts : {
columns : {
id : funcs .intPrimaryKey () ,
} ,
} ,
Generates numbers with a floating point within the given range
param default type isUnique
database column uniqueness boolean
`precision * 1000` if isUnique equals false
`precision * count` if isUnique equals true
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
products : {
columns : {
unitPrice : funcs .number ({
// lower border of range.
minValue : 10 ,
// upper border of range.
maxValue : 120 ,
// precision of generated number:
// precision equals 10 means that values will be accurate to one tenth (1.2, 34.6);
// precision equals 100 means that values will be accurate to one hundredth (1.23, 34.67).
precision : 100 ,
// property that controls if generated values gonna be unique or not.
isUnique : false ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates integers within the given range
param default type isUnique
database column uniqueness boolean
`1000` if isUnique equals false
`count * 10` if isUnique equals true
number | bigint
number | bigint
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
products : {
columns : {
unitsInStock : funcs .int ({
// lower border of range.
minValue : 0 ,
// lower border of range.
maxValue : 100 ,
// property that controls if generated values gonna be unique or not.
isUnique : false ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates boolean values (true or false)
param default type arraySize
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
isAvailable : funcs .boolean ({
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates a date within the given range
param default type minDate
new Date('2020-05-08')
string | Date
new Date('2028-05-08')
string | Date
— number
If only one of the parameters (minDate
or maxDate
) is provided, the unspecified parameter will be calculated by adding or subtracting 8 years to/from the specified one
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
birthDate : funcs .date ({
// lower border of range.
minDate : "1990-01-01" ,
// upper border of range.
maxDate : "2010-12-31" ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates time in 24-hour format
param default type arraySize
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
birthTime : funcs .time ({
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates timestamps
param default type arraySize
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
orders : {
columns : {
shippedDate : funcs .timestamp ({
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates datetime objects
param default type arraySize
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
orders : {
columns : {
shippedDate : funcs .datetime ({
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates years in YYYY
param default type arraySize
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
birthYear : funcs .year ({
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates JSON objects with a fixed structure
{ email , name , isGraduated , hasJob , salary , startedWorking , visitedCountries}
// or
{ email , name , isGraduated , hasJob , visitedCountries }
The JSON structure will be picked randomly
param default type arraySize
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
metadata : funcs .json ({
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates time intervals.
Example of a generated value: 1 year 12 days 5 minutes
param default type isUnique
column uniqueness boolean
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
timeSpentOnWebsite : funcs .interval ({
// `isUnique` - property that controls whether the generated values will be unique or not
isUnique : true ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates random strings
param default type isUnique
— boolean
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
hashedPassword : funcs .string ({
// `isUnique` - property that controls whether the generated values will be unique or not
isUnique : false ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates v4 UUID strings
param default type arraySize
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
products : {
columns : {
id : funcs .uuid ({
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates a person’s first name
param default type isUnique
— boolean
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
firstName : funcs .firstName ({
// `isUnique` - property that controls whether the generated values will be unique or not
isUnique : true ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates a person’s last name
param default type isUnique
— boolean
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
lastName : funcs .lastName ({
// `isUnique` - property that controls whether the generated values will be unique or not
isUnique : false ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates a person’s full name
param default type isUnique
— boolean
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
fullName : funcs .fullName ({
// `isUnique` - property that controls whether the generated values will be unique or not
isUnique : true ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates unique email addresses
param default type arraySize
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
email : funcs .email ({
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates unique phone numbers
param default type template
— string
Used dataset for prefixes string[]
- if prefixes was defined
number | number[]
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
//generate phone number using template property
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
phoneNumber : funcs .phoneNumber ({
// `template` - phone number template, where all '#' symbols will be substituted with generated digits.
template : "+(380) ###-####" ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
//generate phone number using prefixes and generatedDigitsNumbers properties
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
phoneNumber : funcs .phoneNumber ({
// `prefixes` - array of any string you want to be your phone number prefixes.(not compatible with `template` property)
prefixes : [ "+380 99" , "+380 67" ] ,
// `generatedDigitsNumbers` - number of digits that will be added at the end of prefixes.(not compatible with `template` property)
generatedDigitsNumbers : 7 ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
// generate phone number using prefixes and generatedDigitsNumbers properties but with different generatedDigitsNumbers for prefixes
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
phoneNumber : funcs .phoneNumber ({
// `prefixes` - array of any string you want to be your phone number prefixes.(not compatible with `template` property)
prefixes : [ "+380 99" , "+380 67" , "+1" ] ,
// `generatedDigitsNumbers` - number of digits that will be added at the end of prefixes.(not compatible with `template` property)
generatedDigitsNumbers : [ 7 , 7 , 10 ] ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates country’s names
param default type isUnique
— boolean
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
country : funcs .country ({
// `isUnique` - property that controls whether the generated values will be unique or not
isUnique : false ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates city’s names
param default type isUnique
— boolean
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
city : funcs .city ({
// `isUnique` - property that controls whether the generated values will be unique or not
isUnique : false ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates street address
param default type isUnique
— boolean
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
streetAddress : funcs .streetAddress ({
// `isUnique` - property that controls whether the generated values will be unique or not
isUnique : false ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates job titles
param default type arraySize
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
jobTitle : funcs .jobTitle ({
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates postal codes
param default type isUnique
— boolean
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
postcode : funcs .postcode ({
// `isUnique` - property that controls whether the generated values will be unique or not
isUnique : true ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates US states
param default type arraySize
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
state : funcs .state ({
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates random company’s names
param default type isUnique
— boolean
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
users : {
columns : {
company : funcs .companyName ({
// `isUnique` - property that controls whether the generated values will be unique or not
isUnique : true ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates lorem ipsum
text sentences.
param default type sentencesCount
1 number
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
posts : {
columns : {
content : funcs .loremIpsum ({
// `sentencesCount` - number of sentences you want to generate as one generated value(string).
sentencesCount : 2 ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates 2D points within specified ranges for x and y coordinates.
param default type isUnique
database column uniqueness boolean
`10 * 1000` if isUnique equals false
`10 * count` if isUnique equals true
`10 * 1000` if isUnique equals false
`10 * count` if isUnique equals true
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
triangles : {
columns : {
pointCoords : funcs .point ({
// `isUnique` - property that controls if generated values gonna be unique or not.
isUnique : true ,
// `minXValue` - lower bound of range for x coordinate.
minXValue : - 5 ,
// `maxXValue` - upper bound of range for x coordinate.
maxXValue : 20 ,
// `minYValue` - lower bound of range for y coordinate.
minYValue : 0 ,
// `maxYValue` - upper bound of range for y coordinate.
maxYValue : 30 ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,
Generates 2D lines within specified ranges for a, b and c parameters of line.
line equation: a*x + b*y + c = 0
param default type isUnique
database column uniqueness boolean
`10 * 1000` if isUnique equals false
`10 * count` if isUnique equals true
`10 * 1000` if isUnique equals false
`10 * count` if isUnique equals true
`10 * 1000` if isUnique equals false
`10 * count` if isUnique equals true
— number
import { seed } from "drizzle-seed" ;
await seed (db , schema , { count : 1000 }) .refine ((funcs) => ({
lines : {
columns : {
lineParams : funcs .point ({
// `isUnique` - property that controls if generated values gonna be unique or not.
isUnique : true ,
// `minAValue` - lower bound of range for a parameter.
minAValue : - 5 ,
// `maxAValue` - upper bound of range for x parameter.
maxAValue : 20 ,
// `minBValue` - lower bound of range for y parameter.
minBValue : 0 ,
// `maxBValue` - upper bound of range for y parameter.
maxBValue : 30 ,
// `minCValue` - lower bound of range for y parameter.
minCValue : 0 ,
// `maxCValue` - upper bound of range for y parameter.
maxCValue : 10 ,
// number of elements in each one-dimensional array.
// (If specified, arrays will be generated.)
arraySize : 3
}) ,
} ,
} ,