SQL transaction is a grouping of one or more SQL statements that interact with a database.
A transaction in its entirety can commit to a database as a single logical unit
or rollback (become undone) as a single logical unit.
Drizzle ORM provides APIs to run SQL statements in transactions:
const db = drizzle ( ... )
await db .transaction ( async (tx) => {
await tx .update (accounts) .set ({ balance : sql ` ${ accounts .balance } - 100.00` }) .where ( eq ( users .name , 'Dan' ));
await tx .update (accounts) .set ({ balance : sql ` ${ accounts .balance } + 100.00` }) .where ( eq ( users .name , 'Andrew' ));
Drizzle ORM supports savepoints
with nested transactions API:
const db = drizzle ( ... )
await db .transaction ( async (tx) => {
await tx .update (accounts) .set ({ balance : sql ` ${ accounts .balance } - 100.00` }) .where ( eq ( users .name , 'Dan' ));
await tx .update (accounts) .set ({ balance : sql ` ${ accounts .balance } + 100.00` }) .where ( eq ( users .name , 'Andrew' ));
await tx .transaction ( async (tx2) => {
await tx2 .update (users) .set ({ name : "Mr. Dan" }) .where ( eq ( users .name , "Dan" ));
You can embed business logic to the transaction and rollback whenever needed:
const db = drizzle ( ... )
await db .transaction ( async (tx) => {
const [ account ] = await tx .select ({ balance : accounts .balance }) .from (accounts) .where ( eq ( users .name , 'Dan' ));
if ( account .balance < 100 ) {
// This throws an exception that rollbacks the transaction.
tx .rollback ()
await tx .update (accounts) .set ({ balance : sql ` ${ accounts .balance } - 100.00` }) .where ( eq ( users .name , 'Dan' ));
await tx .update (accounts) .set ({ balance : sql ` ${ accounts .balance } + 100.00` }) .where ( eq ( users .name , 'Andrew' ));
You can return values from the transaction:
const db = drizzle ( ... )
const newBalance : number = await db .transaction ( async (tx) => {
await tx .update (accounts) .set ({ balance : sql ` ${ accounts .balance } - 100.00` }) .where ( eq ( users .name , 'Dan' ));
await tx .update (accounts) .set ({ balance : sql ` ${ accounts .balance } + 100.00` }) .where ( eq ( users .name , 'Andrew' ));
const [ account ] = await tx .select ({ balance : accounts .balance }) .from (accounts) .where ( eq ( users .name , 'Dan' ));
return account .balance;
You can use transactions with relational queries :
const db = drizzle ( ... , { schema })
await db .transaction ( async (tx) => {
await tx . query . users .findMany ({
with : {
accounts : true
We provide dialect-specific transaction configuration APIs:
await db .transaction (
async (tx) => {
await tx .update (accounts) .set ({ balance : sql ` ${ accounts .balance } - 100.00` }) .where ( eq ( users .name , "Dan" ));
await tx .update (accounts) .set ({ balance : sql ` ${ accounts .balance } + 100.00` }) .where ( eq ( users .name , "Andrew" ));
} , {
isolationLevel : "read committed" ,
accessMode : "read write" ,
deferrable : true ,
interface PgTransactionConfig {
isolationLevel ?:
| "read uncommitted"
| "read committed"
| "repeatable read"
| "serializable" ;
accessMode ?: "read only" | "read write" ;
deferrable ?: boolean ;
await db .transaction (
async (tx) => {
await tx .update (accounts) .set ({ balance : sql ` ${ accounts .balance } - 100.00` }) .where ( eq ( users .name , "Dan" ));
await tx .update (accounts) .set ({ balance : sql ` ${ accounts .balance } + 100.00` }) .where ( eq ( users .name , "Andrew" ));
} , {
isolationLevel : "read committed" ,
accessMode : "read write" ,
withConsistentSnapshot : true ,
interface MySqlTransactionConfig {
isolationLevel ?:
| "read uncommitted"
| "read committed"
| "repeatable read"
| "serializable" ;
accessMode ?: "read only" | "read write" ;
withConsistentSnapshot ?: boolean ;
await db .transaction (
async (tx) => {
await tx .update (accounts) .set ({ balance : sql ` ${ accounts .balance } - 100.00` }) .where ( eq ( users .name , "Dan" ));
await tx .update (accounts) .set ({ balance : sql ` ${ accounts .balance } + 100.00` }) .where ( eq ( users .name , "Andrew" ));
} , {
behavior : "deferred" ,
interface SQLiteTransactionConfig {
behavior ?: 'deferred' | 'immediate' | 'exclusive' ;