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drizzle-kit studio

This guide assumes familiarity with:

drizzle-kit studio command spins up a server for Drizzle Studio hosted on It requires you to specify database connection credentials via drizzle.config.ts config file.

By default it will start a Drizzle Studio server on

// drizzle.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit";

export default defineConfig({
  dbCredentials: {
    url: "postgresql://user:password@host:port/dbname"
npx drizzle-kit migrate

Configuring host and port

By default Drizzle Studio server starts on, you can config host and port via CLI options

npx drizzle-kit studio --port=3000
npx drizzle-kit studio --host=
npx drizzle-kit studio --host= --port=3000


You can enable logging of every SQL statement by providing verbose flag

npx drizzle-kit studio --verbose

Safari and Brave support

Safari and Brave block access to localhost by default. You need to install mkcert and generate self-signed certificate:

  1. Follow the mkcert installation steps
  2. Run mkcert -install
  3. Restart your drizzle-kit studio

Embeddable version of Drizzle Studio

While hosted version of Drizzle Studio for local development is free forever and meant to just enrich Drizzle ecosystem, we have a B2B offering of an embeddable version of Drizzle Studio for businesses.

Drizzle Studio component - is a pre-bundled framework agnostic web component of Drizzle Studio which you can embed into your UI React Vue Svelte VanillaJS etc.

That is an extremely powerful UI element that can elevate your offering if you provide Database as a SaaS or a data centric SaaS solutions based on SQL or for private non-customer facing in-house usage.

Database platforms using Drizzle Studio:

Data centric platforms using Drizzle Studio:

You can read a detailed overview here and if you’re interested - hit us in DMs on Twitter or in Discord #drizzle-studio channel.

Drizzle Studio chrome extension

Drizzle Studio chrome extension lets you browse your PlanetScale, Cloudflare and Vercel Postgres serverless databases directly in their vendor admin panels!


Our hosted version Drizzle Studio is meant to be used for local development and not meant to be used on remote(VPS, etc).

If you want to deploy Drizzle Studio to your VPS - we have an alfa version of Drizzle Studio Gateway, hit us in DMs on Twitter or in Discord #drizzle-studio channel.

Is it open source?

No. Drizzle ORM and Drizzle Kit are fully open sourced, while Studio is not.

Drizzle Studio for local development is free to use forever to enrich Drizzle ecosystem, open sourcing one would’ve break our ability to provide B2B offerings and monetise it, unfortunatelly.