Joins [SQL]
Join clause in SQL is used to combine 2 or more tables, based on related columns between them.
Drizzle ORM joins syntax is a balance between the SQL-likeness and type safety.
Join types
Drizzle ORM has APIs for INNER JOIN
Lets have a quick look at examples based on below table schemas:
export const users = pgTable ( 'users' , {
id : serial ( 'id' ) .primaryKey () ,
name : text ( 'name' ) .notNull () ,
export const pets = pgTable ( 'pets' , {
id : serial ( 'id' ) .primaryKey () ,
name : text ( 'name' ) .notNull () ,
ownerId : integer ( 'owner_id' ) .notNull () .references (() => users .id) ,
Left Join
const result = await db .select () .from (users) .leftJoin (pets , eq ( users .id , pets .ownerId))
select ... from "users" left join "pets" on "users" . "id" = "pets" . "owner_id"
// result type
const result : {
user : {
id : number ;
name : string ;
pets : {
id : number ;
name : string ;
ownerId : number ;
} | null ;
Right Join
const result = await db .select () .from (users) .rightJoin (pets , eq ( users .id , pets .ownerId))
select ... from "users" right join "pets" on "users" . "id" = "pets" . "owner_id"
// result type
const result : {
user : {
id : number ;
name : string ;
} | null ;
pets : {
id : number ;
name : string ;
ownerId : number ;
Inner Join
const result = await db .select () .from (users) .innerJoin (pets , eq ( users .id , pets .ownerId))
select ... from "users" inner join "pets" on "users" . "id" = "pets" . "owner_id"
// result type
const result : {
user : {
id : number ;
name : string ;
pets : {
id : number ;
name : string ;
ownerId : number ;
Full Join
const result = await db .select () .from (users) .fullJoin (pets , eq ( users .id , pets .ownerId))
select ... from "users" full join "pets" on "users" . "id" = "pets" . "owner_id"
// result type
const result : {
user : {
id : number ;
name : string ;
} | null ;
pets : {
id : number ;
name : string ;
ownerId : number ;
} | null ;
Partial select
If you need to select a particular subset of fields or to have a flat response type, Drizzle ORM
supports joins with partial select and will automatically infer return type based on .select({ ... })
await db .select ({
userId : users .id ,
petId : pets .id ,
}) .from (user) .leftJoin (pets , eq ( users .id , pets .ownerId))
select "users" . "id" , "pets" . "id" from "users" left join "pets" on "users" . "id" = "pets" . "owner_id"
// result type
const result : {
userId : number ;
petId : number | null ;
You might’ve noticed that petId
can be null now, it’s because we’re left joining and there can be users without a pet.
It’s very important to keep in mind when using sql
operator for partial selection fields and aggregations when needed,
you should to use sql<type | null>
for proper result type inference, that one is on you!
const result = await db .select ({
userId : users .id ,
petId : pets .id ,
petName1 : sql `upper( ${ pets .name } )` ,
petName2 : sql < string | null > `upper( ${ pets .name } )` ,
//Ë„we should explicitly tell 'string | null' in type, since we're left joining that field
}) .from (user) .leftJoin (pets , eq ( users .id , pets .ownerId))
select "users" . "id" , "pets" . "id" , upper ( "pets" . "name" )... from "users" left join "pets" on "users" . "id" = "pets" . "owner_id"
// result type
const result : {
userId : number ;
petId : number | null ;
petName1 : unknown ;
petName2 : string | null ;
To avoid plethora of nullable fields when joining tables with lots of columns we can utilise our nested select object syntax ,
our smart type inference will make whole object nullable instead of making all table fields nullable!
await db .select ({
userId : users .id ,
userName : users .name ,
pet : {
id : pets .id ,
name : pets .name ,
upperName : sql < string > `upper( ${ pets .name } )`
}) .from (user) .fullJoin (pets , eq ( users .id , pets .ownerId))
select ... from "users" full join "pets" on "users" . "id" = "pets" . "owner_id"
// result type
const result : {
userId : number | null ;
userName : string | null ;
pet : {
id : number ;
name : string ;
upperName : string ;
} | null ;
Aliases & Selfjoins
Drizzle ORM supports table aliases which comes really handy when you need to do selfjoins.
Lets say you need to fetch users with their parents:
import { user } from "./schema" ;
const parent = aliasedTable (user , "parent" )
const result = db
.select ()
.from (user)
.leftJoin (parent , eq ( parent .id , user .parentId));
select ... from "user" left join "user" "parent" on "parent" . "id" = "user" . "parent_id"
// result type
const result : {
user : {
id : number ;
name : string ;
parentId : number ;
parent : {
id : number ;
name : string ;
parentId : number ;
} | null ;
export const user = pgTable ( "user" , {
id : integer ( "id" ) .primaryKey ({ autoIncrement : true }) ,
name : text ( "name" ) .notNull () ,
parentId : integer ( "parent_id" ) .notNull () .references (() : AnyPgColumn => user .id)
Aggregating results
Drizzle ORM delivers name-mapped results from the driver without changing the structure.
You’re free to operate with results the way you want, here’s an example of mapping many-one relational data:
type User = typeof users .$inferSelect;
type Pet = typeof pets .$inferSelect;
const rows = db .select ({
user : users ,
pet : pets ,
}) .from (users) .leftJoin (pets , eq ( users .id , pets .ownerId)) .all ();
const result = rows .reduce < Record < number , { user : User ; pets : Pet [] }>>(
(acc , row) => {
const user = row .user;
const pet = row .pet;
if ( ! acc[ user .id]) {
acc[ user .id] = { user , pets : [] };
if (pet) {
acc[ user .id]. pets .push (pet);
return acc;
} ,
// result type
const result : Record < number , {
user : User ;
pets : Pet [];
Many-to-one example
import { sqliteTable , text , integer } from 'drizzle-orm/sqlite-core' ;
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/better-sqlite3' ;
const cities = sqliteTable ( 'cities' , {
id : integer ( 'id' ) .primaryKey () ,
name : text ( 'name' ) ,
const users = sqliteTable ( 'users' , {
id : integer ( 'id' ) .primaryKey () ,
name : text ( 'name' ) ,
cityId : integer ( 'city_id' ) .references (() => cities .id)
const db = drizzle ();
const result = db .select () .from (cities) .leftJoin (users , eq ( cities .id , users .cityId)) .all ();
Many-to-many example
const users = sqliteTable ( 'users' , {
id : integer ( 'id' ) .primaryKey () ,
name : text ( 'name' ) ,
const chatGroups = sqliteTable ( 'chat_groups' , {
id : integer ( 'id' ) .primaryKey () ,
name : text ( 'name' ) ,
const usersToChatGroups = sqliteTable ( 'usersToChatGroups' , {
userId : integer ( 'user_id' ) .notNull () .references (() => users .id) ,
groupId : integer ( 'group_id' ) .notNull () .references (() => chatGroups .id) ,
// querying user group with id 1 and all the participants(users)
db .select ()
.from (usersToChatGroups)
.leftJoin (users , eq ( usersToChatGroups .userId , users .id))
.leftJoin (chatGroups , eq ( usersToChatGroups .groupId , chatGroups .id))
.where ( eq ( chatGroups .id , 1 ))
.all ();