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DrizzleORM v0.16.2 release
Jan 21, 2023

Drizzle ORM - is an idiomatic TypeScript ORM which can be used as query builder and as an ORM being the source of truth for SQL schema and CLI for automatic migrations generation.

Since last major update we’ve added numerous requested features 🚀

🎉 PostgreSQL schemas

You can now declare PostgreSQL schemas and tables to be created within this schema

// src/schema.ts
import { pgSchema } from "drizzle-orm-pg";

export const mySchema = pgSchema("my_schema");

export const users = mySchema("users", {
  id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
  name: text("name"),
  email: text("email"),
CREATE SCHEMA "my_schema";

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "my_schema"."users" (
  "id" serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
  "name" text,
  "email" text

drizzle-kit will automatically generate all needed SQL migrations

drizzle-kit generate:pg --schema=src/schema.ts --out=migrations/ 

🎉 MySQL databases/schemas

You can now declare MySQL databases/schemas and tables to be created within it

// schema.ts
import { mysqlSchema } from "drizzle-orm-mysql";

const mySchema = mysqlSchema("my_schema");

const users = mySchema("users", {
  id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
  name: text("name"),
  email: text("email"),

drizzle-kit will automatically generate all needed SQL migrations shell drizzle-kit generate:mysql --schema=src/schema.ts --out=migrations/

which will automatically generate you SQL migration

CREATE DATABASE `my_schema`;

CREATE TABLE `my_schema`.`users` (
  `id` serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
  `name` text,
  `email` text

🎉 PostgreSQL introspect

You can now pull database schema from your existing PostgreSQL database within seconds with drizzle-kit, this vanishes mostly any friction for you to switch from any existing orm or vanilla SQL. It supports:

drizzle-kit introspect:pg --out=migrations/ --connectionString=postgresql://user:pass@host:port/db_name

it will print you schema.ts

export const myEnum = pgEnum("my_enum", ["one", "two", "three"]);
export const mySchema = pgSchema("my_schema");

export const users = mySchema("users", {
  id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
  name: text("name"),
  email: text("email"),

export const users2 = pgTable("users2", {
  id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
  name: varchar("name2"),
  enum: myEnum("enum"),

export const allColumns = pgTable("all_columns", {
  sm: smallint("smallint"),
  smdef: smallint("smallint_def").default(10),
  int: integer("integer"),
  intdef: integer("integer_def").default(10),
  numeric: numeric("numeric"),
  numeric2: numeric("numeric2", { precision: 7 }),
  numeric3: numeric("numeric3", { scale: 7 }),
  numeric4: numeric("numeric4", { precision: 7, scale: 7 }),
  numericdef: numeric("numeridef").default("100"),
  bigint: bigint("bigint", { mode: "number" }),
  bigintdef: bigint("bigint", { mode: "number" }).default(100),
  bool: boolean("boolean"),
  booldef: boolean("boolean_def").default(true),
  text: text("text"),
  textdef: text("textdef").default("text"),
  varchar: varchar("varchar"),
  varchardef: varchar("varchardef").default("text"),
  serial: serial("serial"),
  bigserial: bigserial("bigserial", { mode: "bigint" }),
  decimal: decimal("decimal", { precision: 100, scale: 2 }),
  decimaldef: decimal("decimaldef", { precision: 100, scale: 2 }).default(
  doublePrecision: doublePrecision("decimal"),
  doublePrecisiondef: doublePrecision("decimaldef").default(100.0),
  real: real("real"),
  realdef: real("decimaldef").default(100.0),
  json: json<{ attr: string }>("json"),
  jsondef: json<{ attr: string }>("jsondef").default({ attr: "value" }),
  jsonb: jsonb<{ attr: string }>("jsonb"),
  jsonbdef: jsonb<{ attr: string }>("jsonbdef").default({ attr: "value" }),
  time: time("time"),
  time2: time("time2", { precision: 6, withTimezone: true }),
  timedefnow: time("timedefnow").defaultNow(),
  timestamp: timestamp("timestamp"),
  timestamp2: timestamp("timestamp2", { precision: 6, withTimezone: true }),
  timestamp3: timestamp("timestamp3", { withTimezone: true }),
  timestamp4: timestamp("timestamp4", { precision: 4 }),
  timestampdef: timestamp("timestampdef").defaultNow(),
  date: date("date", { mode: "date" }),
  datedef: date("datedef").defaultNow(),
  interval: interval("interval"),
  intervaldef: interval("intervaldef").default("10 days"),

export const cyclic1 = pgTable("cyclic1", {
  id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
  ext2: integer("ext2").references(() =>,

export const cyclic2 = pgTable("cyclic2", {
  id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
  ext1: integer("ext1").references((): AnyPgColumn =>,

export const example = pgTable(
    id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
    reportsTo: integer("reports_to"),
  (table) => {
    return {
      reportsToFK: foreignKey({
        columns: [table.reportsTo],
        foreignColumns: [],

🎉 Postgres.js driver support

We’ve added full support for postgres.js, it is lightweight and it is fast 🚀

// schema.ts
import { pgTable, serial, text, varchar } from "drizzle-orm-pg";
export const users = pgTable("users", {
  id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
  fullName: text("full_name"),
  phone: varchar("phone", { length: 256 }),

// index.ts
import { drizzle, PostgresJsDatabase } from "drizzle-orm-pg/postgres.js";
import postgres from "postgres";
import { users } from "./schema";

const client = postgres(connectionString);
const db: PostgresJsDatabase = drizzle(client);

const allUsers = await;

Full PostgreSQL docs see here

🎉 PostgreSQL and MySQL types

We’ve added useful operators for you to create any needed non-native PostgreSQL or MySQL types

// PostgreSQL
const customText = customType<{ data: string }>({
  dataType() {
    return "text";

const usersTable = pgTable("users", {
  name: customText("name").notNull(),

// MySQL
const customText = customType<{ data: string }>({
  dataType() {
    return "text";

const usersTable = mysqlTable("users", {
  name: customText("name").notNull(),