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Drizzle | Conditional filters in query
This guide assumes familiarity with:

To pass a conditional filter in query you can use .where() method and logical operator like below:

import { ilike } from 'drizzle-orm';

const db = drizzle(...)

const searchPosts = async (term?: string) => {
  await db
    .where(term ? ilike(posts.title, term) : undefined);

await searchPosts();
await searchPosts('AI');
select * from posts;
select * from posts where title ilike 'AI';

To combine conditional filters you can use and() or or() operators like below:

import { and, gt, ilike, inArray } from 'drizzle-orm';

const searchPosts = async (term?: string, categories: string[] = [], views = 0) => {
  await db
        term ? ilike(posts.title, term) : undefined,
        categories.length > 0 ? inArray(posts.category, categories) : undefined,
        views > 100 ? gt(posts.views, views) : undefined,

await searchPosts();
await searchPosts('AI', ['Tech', 'Art', 'Science'], 200);
select * from posts;
select * from posts
  where (
    title ilike 'AI'
    and category in ('Tech', 'Science', 'Art')
    and views > 200

If you need to combine conditional filters in different part of the project you can create a variable, push filters and then use it in .where() method with and() or or() operators like below:

import { SQL, ... } from 'drizzle-orm';

const searchPosts = async (filters: SQL[]) => {
  await db

const filters: SQL[] = [];
filters.push(ilike(posts.title, 'AI'));
filters.push(inArray(posts.category, ['Tech', 'Art', 'Science']));
filters.push(gt(posts.views, 200));

await searchPosts(filters);

Drizzle has useful and flexible API, which lets you create your custom solutions. This is how you can create a custom filter operator:

import { AnyColumn, ... } from 'drizzle-orm';

// length less than
const lenlt = (column: AnyColumn, value: number) => {
  return sql`length(${column}) < ${value}`;

const searchPosts = async (maxLen = 0, views = 0) => {
  await db
        maxLen ? lenlt(posts.title, maxLen) : undefined,
        views > 100 ? gt(posts.views, views) : undefined,

await searchPosts(8);
await searchPosts(8, 200);
select * from posts where length(title) < 8;
select * from posts where (length(title) < 8 and views > 200);

Drizzle filter operators are just SQL expressions under the hood. This is example of how lt operator is implemented in Drizzle:

const lt = (left, right) => {
  return sql`${left} < ${bindIfParam(right, left)}`; // bindIfParam is internal magic function