How to migrate to 0.21.0

1. Remove all :dialect prefixes from your drizzle-kit commands.

Example: Change drizzle-kit push:mysql to drizzle-kit push.

2. Update your drizzle.config.ts file:

  • Add dialect to drizzle.config.ts. It is now mandatory and can be postgresql, mysql, or sqlite.
  • Add driver to drizzle.config.ts ONLY if you are using aws-data-api, turso, d1-http(WIP), or expo. Otherwise, you can remove the driver from drizzle.config.ts.
  • If you were using connectionString or uri in dbCredentials, you should now use url.
import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit"

export default defineConfig({
    dialect: "sqlite", // "postgresql" | "mysql"
    driver: "turso" // optional and used only if `aws-data-api`, `turso`, `d1-http`(WIP) or `expo` are used
    dbCredentials: {
        url: ""

3. If you are using PostgreSQL or SQLite and had migrations generated in your project, please run drizzle-kit up so Drizzle can upgrade all the snapshots to version 6.


You can check everything that was changed in 0.21.0 in details here


❗ Snapshots Upgrade

All PostgreSQL and SQLite-generated snapshots will be upgraded to version 6. You will be prompted to upgrade them by running drizzle-kit up

❗ Removing :dialect from drizzle-kit cli commands

You can now just use commands, like:

  • drizzle-kit generate
  • drizzle-kit push
  • etc.

without specifying dialect. This param is moved to drizzle.config.ts

❗ drizzle.config update

  • dialect is now mandatory; specify which database dialect you are connecting to. Options include mysql, postgresql, or sqlite.
  • driver has become optional and will have a specific driver, each with a different configuration of dbCredentials. Available drivers are:
    • aws-data-api
    • turso
    • d1-http - currently WIP
    • expo
  • url - a unified parameter for the previously existing connectionString and uri.
  • migrations - a new object parameter to specify a custom table and schema for the migrate command:
    • table - the custom table where drizzle will store migrations.
    • schema - the custom schema where drizzle will store migrations (Postgres only).

Usage examples for all new and updated commands

import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit"

export default defineConfig({
    dialect: "sqlite", // "postgresql" | "mysql"
    driver: "turso"
    dbCredentials: {
        url: ""
    migration: {
        table: "migrations",
        schema: "public"

Drizzle driver selection follows the current strategy:

If a driver is specified, use this driver for querying.

If no driver is specified:

  • For postgresql dialect, Drizzle will:

    • Check if the pg driver is installed and use it.
    • If not, try to find the postgres driver and use it.
    • If still not found, try to find @vercel/postgres.
    • Then try @neondatabase/serverless.
    • If nothing is found, an error will be thrown.
  • For mysql dialect, Drizzle will:

    • Check if the mysql2 driver is installed and use it.
    • If not, try to find @planetscale/database and use it.
    • If nothing is found, an error will be thrown.
  • For sqlite dialect, Drizzle will:

    • Check if the @libsql/client driver is installed and use it.
    • If not, try to find better-sqlite3 and use it.
    • If nothing is found, an error will be thrown

❗ MySQL schemas/database are no longer supported by drizzle-kit

Drizzle Kit won’t handle any schema changes for additional schemas/databases in your drizzle schema file

New Features

πŸŽ‰ Pull relations

Drizzle will now pull relations from the database by extracting foreign key information and translating it into a relations object. You can view the relations.ts file in the out folder after introspection is complete

For more info about relations, please check the docs

πŸŽ‰ Custom name for generated migrations

To specify a name for your migration you should use --name <name>


drizzle-kit generate --name init_db

πŸŽ‰ New command migrate

You can now apply generated migrations to your database directly from drizzle-kit


drizzle-kit migrate

By default, drizzle-kit will store migration data entries in the __drizzle_migrations table and, in the case of PostgreSQL, in a drizzle schema. If you want to change this, you will need to specify the modifications in drizzle.config.ts.

import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit"

export default defineConfig({
    migrations: {
        table: "migrations",
        schema: "public"