FAQ & Troubleshooting

Should I use generate or push?

Those are logically 2 different commands. generate is used to create an sql file together with additional information needed for drizzle-kit (or any other migration tool).

After generating those migrations, they won’t be applied to a database. You need to do it in the next step. You can read more about it here

On the other hand, push doesn’t need any migrations to be generated. It will simply sync your schema with the database schema. Please be careful when using it; we recommend it only for local development and local databases. To read more about it, check out drizzle-kit push


Why aren’t my CLI options being read by drizzle-kit?

Drizzle Kit has a current set of priorities for reading config options:

  1. If there is a drizzle.config file, read from it.
  2. If there is no drizzle.config file, check for the --config option in the CLI.
  3. If no --config option was found, use CLI options; otherwise, read from a defined config.

If you specify both config parameters and CLI options, an error will be thrown, and you should use either CLI options or have a config file defined in your project.